meh 就第一集好笑 I'm not used to dressing like a plumberess hahahahhhahahha Tahani is definitely my soulmate
很喜欢陈晓和刘亦菲也觉得柳岩和林允在这部剧里不算差服化还行互动也算有意思有的情节可以说是有趣的但是在我心里这不是一部优秀的电视剧披着女性主义的外衣借着girls help girls的口号却展现着一览无余的与女性主义背道而驰的思想毫无疑问“以色事人就是贱”及改动的女性角色的形象等都背离了关汉卿原作所表达的思想我不知道电视剧是不是应该有属于它的世界缅甸14MAY18_XXXXXL56ENDIAN这个问题我还没想清楚但既然借着女性主义说女孩互助的故事我就不认为贞洁有多么重要
No B.S., just talk based on the ground. Every thing comes with a proper reason, not a steady right or wrong. Face thee music and feel fun, otherwise R.I.P. Do as one thinks, better it and best it, considering others' feelings always. Anyone is what one is.