花了三个星期断断续续看完 喜欢George说的人是可以拥有感知万物的心境 而不是一味去质疑神性是否客观存在 在后披头士时代 他选择做world fusion做自己喜欢的 其实他和john或多或少都被批判说不知所以然的在搞实验性音乐 但这正是我发现something between them are musically mutual and peaceful. George you can just freely fly away and everything you did will spirit me eternally. All things must pass. very ture
Ou brand is crisis (2015) Jane: That's the world, that's politics. That's how it works. It starts out with big promises and ends up with jackshit happening. But like the man said: "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." 心得: 1. 民主、寡頭或獨裁其實只是政客等既得利益者圈 子大小的差別而已 2. IMF似乎也不是好東西!!