The Outpost is a fair war drama film that severely lacks character development; as such you aren't able to get to know them intimately so you don't develop a bond with them throughout the course of the film, making them dull and forgettable. The action battle sequences was pretty intense in the climax.
就像主角最后和两个女人在公交车上的对话主角沉浸在一种情绪里对话完全不在一个层面上我作为观众和这部电影也是 把乡愁、归属感和人生目标附着在一栋房子上把这栋房子当做一个骄傲和亲情缺失的代偿want it to be true. 有审美但深陷自我表达共情不了就会无聊无聊就不认真看然后就更看不懂想表达什么 来回拉近拉远的长镜头和定格特写个人风格更强了或者更符合作者的调性但是除了让片子更闷好像也没起到什么作用