追了六年的剧全剧终了没有烂尾HE结局不必去纠结谁应该受到制裁孰善孰恶孰是孰非娃娃夫人也不必站在道德制高点上去评判每一位角色当看到多年后AK的葬礼上出现一个个两鬓斑白的熟悉角色时仿佛也陪着他们走过了一段段壮丽的人生小WES最后站上讲堂写下“how to get away with murder”这是生命的绵延又一次新的旅程感谢你们这六年带给我的悬疑盛宴
E01:I'm not the only one who gave up my dreams, Jack. We both did, right? I shouldn't have let you leave. And not just because of all of the beautiful things you said, I shouldn't have let you leave because that's not what we do. That's not who we are, that's not us.
看的無字幕版 娃娃夫人的街道上徘徊著幽藍的夜靈 碎的紙片 酒醉的白襯衫 tango , tango , bend with me , sway with ease 极讚的影像美學課